
Knowledge and Responsibility

We have chosen to be a company of values and to operate with professional knowledge and responsibility.
rotabili ad altissima e velocità
Very high-speed and high-speed rolling stock
locomotive multimodali
Multimodal Locomotives
carrozze intercity
Intercity coaches
rotabili emu
EMU rolling stock Single-deck and double-deck
rotabili dmu
Rolling stock dmu
tram a pianale completamente ribassato
Streetcar A fully low-floor
metropolitane leggere e pesanti
Light and heavy subways
veicoli a scartamento ridotto
Slipstream vehicles

Modus Operandi

We have a convergent and effective structure that has posed the need to create cross-functional teams that share knowledge and unify best practices, following the strategic direction set at the executive level. Relationships with our Clients, complement our company's assets, foster partnerships with the most important entities on the international scene and help to consolidate relationships of transparency and trust. We are convinced that responsible behavior is inseparable from long-term success.

Looking at the evolution of public transportation allows us, every day, to be proud to be part of this world.
ansaldo trasporti progetto treno


New concepts and application types to open up unexplored market areas and develop innovative solutions.